Thursday, February 5, 2009

Stuff that Annoys me

  1. People with strong accents that can't speak English well then get mad when you can't understand them by speaking louder--- that makes it worst!
  2. When people cut you off to get into your lane without using their turning signal--- ugh! so rude!
  3. Homophobes--- just ignorance...period.
  4. Fat girls that like to try and wear little ass clothes--- not cute!
  5. Talking real loud on your cell phone in public--- real ghetto
  6. Long nails with a whole bunch of glitter and sprinkles and shit everywhere
  7. Bad breath and/or bad teeth--- Pew!
  8. Ungroomed eyebrows and hair--- lol IDK the eyebrows really bother me
  9. Middle school kids running around the mall on a Saturday acting real ghetto, grown, and rude!--- Parents, make your children read or something.
  10. Pointless meetings
  11. Hate crimes

1 comment:

  1. homophobes suck..=/..we are people just like everyone has no gender=D..dont hate us for being able to love with no restriction!
